CCAA Innovation Awards 2022

CCAA's long-running Innovation Awards have been refreshed for 2022, with a new framework and the inclusion of a new category for sustainable products and services, to support our industry's long term sustainability.

The new Awards model will still encompass the established award categories, but will allow recognition of a wider range of issues critical to the long term sustainability of our industry. 

The CCAA Innovation Awards are a two year program involving State Awards held annually in each State, the winners of which compete for the National Awards held biennially.

These awards recognise innovation in the way our industry manages key issues, in support of Safe & Sustainable Workforces, Sustainable Products & Services, and our long term Industry Sustainability. They also demonstrate the heavy construction materials industry's commitment to continually improving its performance in these areas to a range of stakeholders including; government, industry peers and the broader community. 

The Innovation Awards encompass three award categories:

The Innovation Award for Safe & Sustainable Workforces
This award recognises innovations that support the physical and mental health, safety, wellbeing, diversity, inclusiveness and skills development of our workforces. This category also recognises innovations focused on attraction and retention of skilled people. 

The Innovation Award for Sustainable Industry
This award recognises innovative approaches to managing, developing and sustaining cement, concrete and extractive operations (including decarbonisation and community engagement initiatives).

The Innovation Award for Sustainable Products & Services
This award recognises outstanding innovation in developing and applying an original product idea or product/customer related service to address a customer or broader market requirement. 

Businesses that innovate create more efficient work processes and have better productivity and performance. In holding these awards, CCAA is promoting the innovative thinking and leadership demonstrated by our members so as to inspire others to deliver improved performance within their businesses and across the industry.


Entries into the 2022 Innovation Awards, have now closed.


The State Awards are hosted at annual CCAA Award Dinners which are attended by over 1,100 representatives of industry, government, suppliers and sponsors. The National Awards are hosted at the Construction Materials Industry Conference (CMIC), the industry's premier biennial event.

Tickets to the 2022 Innovation Award Dinners, are now available for purchase. Please see a list of dates and venues, by state below.